Project 4X: new linear upper arm connectors
These new longer more linear aluminum connectors need to be combined with shorter links.
The new default link length is achieved by using the included balljoints which connect on setscrews until both balljoints touch each other, so no measuring is necessary.
Note that the set inludes 4 short and 4 slightly longer balljoints. To make each pullrod you use 1 x short and 1 x longer balljoint per rod, to achieve the right lenght.
The new geometry creates more linear action over the full stroke of the suspension movement. The standard ones have a degressive characteristic.
Some drivers mentioned feeling the car to buckle in high grip conditions which was caused by the suspension getting softer towards the end of suspension stroke. While the new links prevent this effect they also improve the reaction on setup changes, making the car more predictable.
The parts were already in use by Wilck at the Reedy 2017 where he took a podium finish, and will be in use at the next ETS races too and EC.
401742 Linear suspension set 4X
401743 Arm extension linear L+R 4X